Thursday, December 11, 2008

The good and the bad

Actually, think about it, I've got a lot of news. Bad and good.

Bad news is that......

bengkak gilerkan....

I actually sprained my leg AGAIN!!!

While, walking back from lunch with friends, I accidentally termasukkan my ankle into a pothole. Arghhh....sakit giler. Yup...the same ankle, yang tak fully recover lagi tu. Nasib baiklah ada my friends tolong papahkan, or else I would've duduk aje kat tepi jalan tu. Ini semua pasal sibuk bersembanglah ni sampai tak nampak lubang. I tell you this this the pain is worse than the first time.

My boss suruh letak ice on the ankle but i tell you letak ice lagi stinging sakitnya. Tak leh tahan you so I pergi doktor.

Kena marah dengan doktor sebab I baru sprained the same ankle 3 weeks ago. Doktor siap pukul main2 my leg sebab dia marah I tak becareful. Sorry Doc, KL is full of potholes and a klutz like me :(

Anyway, here comes the good news....mak MC you all sampai Friday....hehehe. Reminder (note to self): Kaki sakit tak boleh berjalan ya.

Bad news is that, I dah adjust baik punya dengan my bestfriend besok nak pergi kedai LV kat Starhill tu sebab dia nak beli bag LV sebijik. Lagipunkan besok Selangor cuti, so kawan i tu bercadang nak turun KL ler. Tak dapat beli sendiri, temankan orang pun jadi ler ...hehehe. Orang kata ambik aura jer ler.Nampaknya projek ini kena tangguh minggu depanlah ya.

But there's always a rainbow after a rainy daykan, ntah hape2 tak ada kena mengenakan. I got a call from my sister. I'm gonna be an aunt again next year. My sister is 3 weeks preggie. An unplan one but I guess rezeki tuhan nak bagikan. happy for her. Tambah lagi anak buahku (alamak kena simpan duit raya start dari sekarang ni...anak buah dah bertambah :P )

Sian saya,kan :P


Intan said...

ala kesiannya..take care and semoga cepat sembuh ya!

Pink Mama said...

thanks supermummy


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