Semangat nak berblogging kurang sikit sehari dua ni. Dua hari hujan jerkan so semangat pun lemau jugak. Rasa macam Spring season pulak sebab sejuk jer so sedap nak berlingkar atas katil sambil tengok movie. Semalam dah belasah tengok 2 and half movie. I cry like a baby watching Life As We Know It. How two different individual have to learn to live with each other to raise their orphan best friends child. Tengoklah best sangat Katherine Hiegl and Josh Duhamel dalam this romantic comedy movie.
Then I watch Black Swan the one yang Natalie Portman berlakon nominated for Oscar and Producers and Writers Guild Awards.Serious movie, penat jugaklah I tengok movie ni sebab movie ni psychological thriller. But when she turn into the black swan I can really feel it. Not easy huh to be a ballerina. Watch Little Fockers sikit jer lepas tu cause dah mengantuk.
So today pergi bayar mana-mana bil yang patut. Surut sikit duit dalam bank hehehe.
Every month yang ada 31st , Baskin Robbins bagi diskaun 31%.
Guess where we were just now?

yup....eating my favorite World of Chocolate.Yummeh!

yup....eating my favorite World of Chocolate.Yummeh!

I leave you with this picture of a cat lover.
Kucing tak ada bulu pun suka....isykkk....
I think I am gonna sambung watch Little Fockers now under my comfortable comforter.
To all citizen of Wilayah Persekutuan....happy holidays =))