Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya
Monday, September 29, 2008
4 haircuts and 2 styles
Abang's haircut from side view
Back view of Abang's hair. Ayah have the same haircut.
Adik's hair from side view. It's wet so the shape of the haircut is a bit out ler.
Her hair from back view. Lawa tak rambut Raya anak-anak saya?
I bought for them bunga api yang banyak asap tu. No mercun for them cause their mother is afraid of mercun. I am not going to hold for them ther mercun cause I know the girls won't hold the mercun themself. I will have to do the dirty job for them. Here's some pics of them playing bunga api
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Long, short or layered
kinda cute for kids, right or
the layered look. Their grandmother wanted me to cut their hair layered but i think that the bob cut are much cuter for kids.
Below are the back view of Kakak & Adik's head. Their haircut is out of shape. The last time they had a hair cut was early of the year.
looks like the same person right. People always thought that they're twins actually there's 2 years apart between them. I'll post the results tomorrow...hopefully if I have time to bring them to the saloon.
We went to Midvalley this afternoon to do some shopping. Here's the Hari Raya decoration at Midvalley.

Friday, September 26, 2008
Roadsign..it says one way street
Secondly, I know that you are in love and you have your beautiful girlfriend besides you in the car but please pay attention to the road sign instead of your girlfriend.
Thirdly, if you know you've done something wrong as going the wrong way on the one way street, pleaselah angkat tangan mintak maaf instead of tersengih macam kerang busuk. I really cannot tolerate people who do not follow rules. Let's say a small kid was crosing the road in a one way street, I'm sure he/she will look one direction to look out for cars but if there are people like you ohh...ignorant driver, an accident can happen. Pleaselah...please next time learn how to read the road sign.
This message is meant for the young man whose driving a green MYVI at Dataran Sunway at around 8pm infront of the Chinese Restaurant. You are lucky that I was slow at the corner or else I would have bang onto you. Guess what...if that happen you are WRONG because you are going the wrong way...IDIOT!@!

Okay enough of membebel kepada pemandu yang tak berhemah.Kalau membebel panjang-panjang pun tak guna buat menyakitkan hati.
Today I am officially off already. I will be on leave for the whole of next week. Tomorrow I have a bunch of things to do.
1. Tukar langsir (bab ni yang malas ni)
2. Basuh baju raya anak-anak (yup..I haven't wash their new Raya clothes...malas + tak sempat...I guess I'll just dumpt it all into the washing machine or should I rinse dengan tangan jer?)
3. Lap ler apa2 yang patut. Lap perabot...lap tingkap....basuh toilet....
4. Pergi last minute shopping...carilah apa2 yang patut. Hmm actually I have a confession to make saya tak beli lagi kuih raya. Yang ada pun baru sejenis jer. Blackberry cheese tart...yummy.
5. Bring the kids for haircuts (their grandma actually gave them money to cut their hair...hehehe)
6. Actually, the list goes on and on....I have few days to do it (hopefully). Manalah larat nak buat semua in a day....boleh pengsan
Hubby suruh ikut jalan jauh balik rumah from balik anak kelas Kumon instead of the shorter way cause the shorter way has no traffic light at the intersection crossing. Banyak accident dah kat tempat tu. Last week, ada mat motor dah terbaring accident kat tengah2 jalan tu. So better follow Hubby's advise. Better late than sorry.
Selamat Berpuasa lagi... :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hari Raya cards and tudung...
yes, I know that today is the last day to send out the Hari Raya cards. Luckily I managed to finished all the hari raya cards. Pasting the address on the cards does take up time and slotting in the cards in the envelope. There about more or less 200 cards. Hopefully all the cards recepient will receive it before Hari Raya :)
Hey...guess where you can get a really cheap tudung?. You can get it at Tesco at 45 sen each :) My mom bought the tudung at Tesco at a really cheap price (dunno why she wants to buy the old fashion tudung bawal, maybe for her Tai-chi classes). The day before Bibik's friend bought the same tudung at Tesco at RM1.00. Guess my mom had a better bargain :)
Mom bought two colors purple and green (that's the only color left according to Mom)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Ayah Gemuk

This drawing was done by my youngest daughter. There's her, her Ayah & Me. When ask what is the big black circle at her dad's figure. She answered, " Ayah Gemuk". Meaning that's her dad's big belly. Gosh...hubby really need to be on diet....lol :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Malls Deco During Ramadhan
Yesterday we went to OU new wings for Hari Raya shopping for the kids. The deco at the centre of the mall were really nice. It has a Middle East theme and a mini mosque miniature.
Friday, September 19, 2008
His passions
here's another one
and another
I guess besides cars and bionicles, I should add that he loves making short clips on them as you've seen in the youtube. He did it on his own using his handphone video cam, merely by watching other youtubes clips. A spielberg in the making maybe?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Raya Shoes

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Still thinking about the dream. Does it have to do with what I am feeling for the last few days?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Boss kata nak buat asessment tapi tak buat-buat. Tersangatlah letihnya nak menunggu dia. Nak MC pun tak boleh macam ni. Boss bagi jerlah kat kitaorang maximum semua (maximum bonus, maximum increment). Tak buat assesment pun tak apa :)

Monday, September 15, 2008
What do you do?

Jangan kacau ya.....saya nak tido.