Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Bloated like a balloon...

Minggu lepas Akak dah jumpa doktor sebab perut Akak sakit.
Doktor kata sakit so she gave me a few medicine untuk angin dan sakit perut.
But somehow it worsen. Everytime Akak makan, nanti Akak akan rasa macam ada benda yang tersekat kat esophogus Akak. Rasa macam ada benda tersekat kat tekak.
Bila Akak google...it could be acid reflux. So harini Akak pergi balik to the clinic.
Doktor kata dia akan give me a different dose of medicine (ubat-ubat kat atas tu). She also suggested that I stay away from diary food for a week. We'll see how it goes I guess....terpaksalah Akak puasa teh tarik dan coklat minggu ni :'(

Harap-harap it will curelah rasa macam benda tercekik kat leher ni and my acid reflux.
Dah tak tahan dah perut asyik bloated macam belon nak terbang.

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