Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Solar Eclipse of my heart

Pagi tadi macam pelik sikit sebab apasal gelap macam nak hujan jer ni.

Terlupa yang hari ni Gerhana Matahari. 

Me trying to capture the solar eclipse tapi tak nampak apapun aside from the very bright sun.

after a few attemps.....

nampak sebenarnya tapi tak leh tengok direct to the sun.
Kena guna pinhole. Akak tutup mata dengan tangan pastu tengok dari celah jari.
I can actually see the bulan sabit

Few of us attempting to see the solar eclipse.

Sekarang mata Akak still rabun sebab tengok direct sunlight pagi long will it take for my vision o return to normal? Kabur wehhh....

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