Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gastroenterologist Appoinment

Sabtu lepas I ada appoinment with my Gastroenterologist at Damansara Specialist. Appoinment pukul 12 tghari tapi nurse cakap datanglah awal sikit so by 11am plus macam tu I dah sampai hospital. Masyaallah......ramainya orang kat Damansara Specialist on Saturday. Dah rupa macam hospital gomen pun ada =)

Nasib baiklah I ada appoinment hari tu sebab klinik my gastroenterologist ni ramai orang yang datang without appoinment. So bolehlah I jump queue.

Doktor advised that I should continue my medicine and kalau rasa perut tak sedap jer terus ambik my antacid. He also suggested that I skip my lunch everyday and just eat dinner (plus bfastlahkan). My reaction was like,

"what skip lunch? laparlah nanti". Drama sikit hehehe..

"But bulan puasa you boleh puasakan"

I angguk jerlah kepala. He said that it's all in my mind. Kalau bulan puasa I boleh tak makan siang so what is the difference. I guess I'll give it a try. Semalam I makan biskut sekeping cicah dengan nescafe for lunch. Nak alas perut. Hmm...tapi by 5pm lapar gila sesangat. Kena latihkan perut pelan-pelan agaknya.

So my next appoinment another 2 months. Rasanya lama nak ambik masa nak pulihkan balik my stomach. By the way bagi yang tak tahu, I have this condition called GERD.

 Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This action can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms.

Doktor cakap kalau lagi lama kita tak treat sakit tu the longer the healing process. But I must say that after almost 2 months of taking my medicine, bloatedness tu dah kurang. I really have to control my diet and tak boleh simply belasah apa-apa makanan sekarang especially yang pedas-pedas ='(

Masa kat klinik tu orang lain semua sibuk pegang gadget masing-masing. Just I and the guy infront of me yang bawak buku untuk baca. Sekarang ni jarang nak nampak orang membaca. Baca twitter dan facebook tu banyaklah =P

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