Monday, February 28, 2011

Email dan SMS-SMS yang menjengkelkan

Have any of you receive an email or text message yang rasa macam kalau jumpa orang ni macam nak strangle2 manusianya....geram sungguhlah.

Contoh-contoh SMS yang I got recently yang memang menjengkelkan hati I sungguh.

Contoh 1

I don't have an Indonesian uncle. Anyway if you have any problem at the police station...IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM!!. Cukup-cukuplah conman. 

Contoh 2

Adalah bagus kalau professor you dah jumpa penawar kencing manis. Tapi adalah lebih baik dipublish dalam Medical Journal dari sms kepada random umat manusia. Buat habis credit jerkan.

Contoh 3

hak ni memang I rasa conman sungguh. I actually dah rasa ni bukan Shell yang hantar ni. Bila I suruh my hubby call the number ask the person regarding menang hadiah ni. The person said he will call back tapi hampeh......and I am still waiting for my cheque SHELL.
Eja promosion pun salah...promosi jerlah =P

Contoh 4

Kecik sangat ya...jap I type balik.

Hello with love,

I am cynthia single I view your profile and become interested in knowing more about you for important discussion reply to me via my mail address ( i will send my pics later.



Hello with love tu yang tak tahan....alloo...kau ingat I lesbo ke?
Send your pic for what? Psiko ker?
Contoh 5
Don't you think I would know if it's my dad's handphone number you idiot?
Anyway my dad never calls himself Ayah and kalau betul my dad kat police mom would be frantically calling me. Tak payah tunggu my dad call pun.

EEE....geram sungguhlah.
Nombor-nombor talipon mereka adalah sengaja tidak didelete sebagai pemberitahuan kepada orang lain suapaya berhati-hati jangan sampai terpedaya.

Sekian. Terima Kasih.

Baby and funfair

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bercakap pasal redha

Hari ni nak bercakap pasal redha.
Saya redha sebab semalam masuk meeting dari pukul 12.30 dan habis pukul 4.10 petang.
Redha kena sound dengan boss sebab tak concentrate sibuk balas sms.....rasakan kau.
Padan muka....elok jer time kita balas sms (sms about work ya) dia tanya,

" So Ayu, did you hear what I say just now?"

Time tu terus ...OMG...why me...shit!!.Time aku concentrate tadi kau tak nak tanya...siol jer.
Pengajaran...lain kali meeting CONCENTRATE kalau tak nak kena soal.

Terus dengan ala-ala bersalah cakap, "I didn't catch the last one". Nasib baik tak kena campak dengan pen macamana si Mas AF2 tu kena baling pen dengan Ramli MS sebab tak concentrate dalam kelas.

Sebenarnya topik redha ni time I duk sembang dengan my BFF. Lately ni I duk baca a few blogger kematian spouse derang and how they actually suffer with the lost. So I tanyalah my bff ni, how did she do it....relax jer....happy jer all the time. Untuk pengetahuan semua, she lost her husband 5 years ago. Husband dia pass away sudden death in a car at a parking lot in Dubai (Reen if you are reading this, please correct me if I'm wrong). Muda lagi masa tu baru 35yrs old. The saddest part was the whole family was supposed to follow him duduk sana tapi tak sempat. Allah lebih sayangkan dia.

So I ask did she do it. I think dia suffer pun dalam 2 minggu zone out macam tu. Pastu she bounce back to reality. Kalau you jumpa dia mesti you all tak sangka yang she lost someone precious in her life. She told me that kita kena betul-betul redha dan ikhlas. Kalau kita tak betul-betul redha and be true to ourself tu yang sampai bila-bila kita takkan boleh move on. Kalau hari-hari nangis pun bukan boleh bawak balik orang yang kita sayang, plus she said kalau arwah hubby dia hidup sure dia bagi pelempang sekali sebab asyik menangis jer. Sedekahkan Al-Fatihah dan doakan arwah lagi bagus. Plus dia kena be strong for her kids.

I dah suruh dia tulis kat blog dia about her experience and how she coped with the situation tapi minah tu biasalah blog ala-ala hidup segan mati tak mau. It'll be good if she can tell her story as motivation to others yang senasib.

Oleh itu kita kena selalu redha dengan ketentuan Illahi.

Peace! Happy Friday you all.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


My baby in uniform...alah busyuk Mama comel

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Enak bangat Caramel Macchiato nih

Semalam impromptu keluar minum Caramel Macchiato hot dengan pompuan ni.
I dah balik dari jalan-jalan masa lunch kat One Utama dia call kata dia pakai lawa hari lepas balik jumpa customer so takkan nak balik rumah jer. Furthermore, dia dah ada kat Penchala link so nak ajak I keluarlah tu time lunch.

Disebabkan I dah tapau nasi goreng for lunch dan dia dah makan lunch dengan customer dia, kitaorang pergi minum coffee jerlah. Pung pung pang sembang alamak sekali dah almost 2.30pm....apalagi zass balik officelah. Tapi release gaklah stress sebab semalam stress betul dengan meja penuh kerja nak kena settle. Hari ni pulak dah opposite dari semalam siap menguap-menguap pulak....but thenkan touch woodlahkan. Kang tetiba gedebuk datang kerja selambak baru padan muka.

Macchiaoto hot ni lagi sedap daripada yang cold....enak bangat

Kepada yang mengemail saya about EL card tu, I have already pass the cards to you (kalau tak bagi add tu lagi nanti sila email add rumah ya) . I have another 2 more kalau sapa2 yang nak tu silalah email saya ya =)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bibik oh bibikku

My life has been boring lately...macam tak ada excitement. The only excitement I get rite now is reading Contracs terms and condition for office work =P. Tersangatlah excitingnyakan.
I wish I am somewhere away from work....maybe in an island somewhere soaking the sun.

Anyway, our old bibik is supposed to go back this April. Bibik kata tak nak sambung lagi kerja after 4 years of working with/for us. Kitaorang dengar macam tu menggelabahlah mencari bibik baru. Nanti sapa nak jaga budak-budak. Tiba-tiba bila replacement dah sampai....eloklah pulak Bibik lama tu cakap dia nak sambung baliklah pulak. She only wants to go home for a short while and come back.....tu namanya gatalllll ok. Duit dah keluar for the new maid...bukan sikit ok nak dapat maid baru. Dengar she change her mind sebab duit tak cukup nak buat rumah baru kat kampung. Haiii...nasib ler hari tu beria-ia push kami belikan tiket kapal terbang dia nak balik cepat although her permit expires end of April.

Lepas bincang-bincang, my BIl agrees to take the new maid kerja dekat rumah mak dia. Tapi dengan syarat dia kena balik middle of March and come back by end of April AND her salary reduce to RM500. Sekarang gaji dia RM600....terus muka kawan tu berubah...ialah gaji kena potong RM100 sapa sukakan. Anyway, it's her own fault!. Terus minah tu kata dia nak fikir dulu samada nak sambung ke tidak. Suka hatilah bibik, apa-apa pun we don't loose anything because we already have a replacement maid. Kalau tak nak sambung lagi baik sebab safe duit tiket datang balik sini, duit fomema and renew permit. Lain kali nak buat apa-apa fikir dulu...lagipun mana nak dapat majikan macam kami yang tak kisah sangat ni. Nak jalan hujung minggu dengan kawan kaum kerabat pun tak kisah, nak makan apa makanlah asalkan kerja semua kawtim.

Malas dah nak bebel pasal bibik ni.....nak sambung balik baca contract for office work.
See ya later alligator!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Peminat Estee Lauder

Hari tu my sister ada bagi satu stack Estee Lauder cards invitation for skin analysis and free complimentary skincare samples. So after giving out to my office collegues I still have about 7 cards left.

So kepada sesapa yang nak tu...silent ke tak silent reader tu, silalah tinggalkan comment kalau nak sekeping atau just email me your address so I can post it to you.
Email add saya:

First come first get basislah cepattttt kalau naklah.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Uncle, durian and oh bulan

Rupanya nak berblogging ni pun kena ada mood jugak. Kalau tak ada mood memang satu hapah pun tak dapat nak tulis....bak kata omputih "writers block". I wonder how my sister do it. Adik saya kerja dengan majalah so every month memang kena siapkan article and interviews for the magazine she works for. Tapi yang bestnya kerja dia, bila pergi assignment selalu dapat giftS. Kalau cosmetic company yang panggil buat PC, dapatlah dia lipstick, eyeshadow, blusher macam-macam lagilah. Hari tu dia dapat susu pekat banyak so I pun mengangkut jugaklah bawak balik rumah walaupun 2 tin hehehe...rezeki jangan ditolak. Ada gaklah dia campak kat akak dia ni lipstick mahal-mahal...rezeki lagikan....kecik tapak tangan.

Ni nak cerita pasal community service. Hari tu masa I nak balik kerja, nampak satu uncle ni tengah pasang tile tepi jalan depan seberang jalan office I. Ni mesti kes uncle ni bosan tak ada kerja kat rumah. Agaknya dia selalu jalan kat tepi tu so dia decide pasang tile so rata senang sikit orang nak jalan.

ni bukan pekerja MPBJ ok tapi uncle manatah yang rajin bebenar
Hari tu teringin sangat nak makan durian. Apalagi pusing-pusing at last beli 2 biji RM30

memang terbaiklah....strawberry cicah coklat pun tak dapat lawan keenakan durian

2 malam lepas jejak kaki ke Uptown Damansara. Saja cuci mata sambil isi perut. La ni duk teringat nak makan sotong kangkunglah pulak....

oh bulan (bukan web portal gossip itu ya =P) malam tu penuh mengambang
Cantik sangat.....

Hari Ahad, hari lepak atas katil sambil tengok tv. Tengoklah kot-kot petang karang terajin ke nak keluar....

PC = Press Conference

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Willow Smith - Whip My Hair

First time I heard this song I didn't expect that it would be sung by a 9 year old. Furthermore by Will Smith offspring. They sure are one talented family.

So layankan jerlah malam-malam ni ya

Sini Ada Hantu dan Chap Goh Meh

Hari cuti Maulidur Rasul hari tu si kecik tu ajak tengok Sini Ada Hantu.
Nasib baik tiket dah beli online kalau tak jenuh jugak beratur almaklumlah public holiday.

It's about two drivers yang kena hantar keranda datuk boss derang balik kampung. So along the way to the kampung they were telling each other ghost stories. Ada 3 cerita hantu...hantu Melayu, hantu Cina and hantu asrama. Muka hantunya tak adalah seram mana pun tapi biasalah kami ni anak beranak dasar penakut. Hantu tak keluar lagi pun semua dah tutup muka hahahaha....

Budak perempuan tu tutup muka dengan henbeg derang, ayahnya tutup muka dengan handphone and mamanya pulak tutup muka pakai tudung hehehe....penakut sungguh walaupun sebenarnya hantu-hantu lawa-lawa belaka. Ialah Fasha Sandha yang jadi hantunya, hantu Cinanya pun awek cun =P
Tapi kisah kat asrama tu memang kisah yang typical yang selalu dengarlah...hantu Nippon.

Untuk hiburan ringan cerita ni kira ok jugaklah tapi it's PG13 coz ada adengan yang ala-ala tak sesuai untuk budak-budak dalam plot cerita hantu No 1 tu.

So kalau takut nak tengok cerita Khurafat yang dengarnya seram habis, cerita Sini Ada Hantu ni kira lite-lite seramnya.

Anyway, wishing all my Chinese friends and blogsphere friends Happy Chap Goh Meh.
Kalau yang tak kawin lagi tu bolehlah tulis nama dan handphone number atas limau dan campak dalam sungai. Semoga mendapat jodoh segera =)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

14 as a family

Orang lain semua bergasak-gasak nak celebrate on the 14th Feb sebab Valentine day tapi we were celebrating our 14 years as a family.
Tapi memandangkan on the 14th selalunya semua restoran penuh dengan couple cintan cintun so we always skip to celebrate on the 14th instead we celebrate either one day earlier or one day later. Tak kuasa nak berebut dengan pasangan mabuk bercinta.

So eve of 14th tu we went out satu family makan steamboat kat Johnny's.
Makanlah puas-puas....lama mana pun. Tak ada yang sentap sebab tak dapat table =P

sempat lagi baca twitter =D

kalau nak kuah tomyam kena tambah lagi RM10.
Lain kali macam ni bawak kiub tomyam sendiri =P

Arsenal boy =P

Set C

budak tembam kuat makan

diakhiri dengan banana split......berebut makan berempat hahahaha

On the 14th itself kitaorang pergi makan Pizza Hut. Wahhh tak penuh Pizza Hut.
Mesti sebab ramai pasangan berchenta pergi dinner kat fancy restaurant....ialah mesti nak impress girlfrenkan. Kalau tak pun tak sambut V-day sebab takut kena tangkap dengan JAIS.

berebut lagi aiskrim berlima

So that's how we celebrate 14 years as a family =))

Wordless Wednesday

orang yang bagi ni kata for good luck =)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Post khas buat Unifi

Hilang mood I hari ni. Serious terus down satu hari. Semua disebabkan oleh Unifi.
Semalam petir dengan guruh kuat sangat. Dalam hati I dah kata hmm...ada potensi down lagi Unifi ni. Memang betul pun sangkaanku cempedak jadi nangka.
Lepas kilat tu terus Unifi down. Semalam jugaklah I buat laporan kat customer service Unifi.

Pagi ni sedang I bercakap dengan customer service Unifi, technician Unifi call. Terus berasap kepala dengar yang they can only come on the 21st February. Woiii ...Unifi korang tau tak that is like a week from today. They said that my area tu selalu is that MY PROBLEM?. Sah-sah ler kena sound dengan I. I gave them a piece of my mind!

Hari tu dari 1hb Feb sampai 5hb Feb I dah out of internet cause they can't send their technician earlier. Sangap okay 5 hari tak ada internet ini kalau 7 hari lagilah sangap.I seriously don't understand why it takes so long for them to fix the problem. Kalau tak cukup manpower, silalah tambah pekerja so that tak adalah customer bengang. TM, you are in a service industry so better buckle up!

I decided to write a complaint to Unifi through their online feedback form. Guess what....tak boleh  submitlah pulak. Bagus sesangatkan Unifi....bagus....syabas.

Tak per tak dapat submit complaint online, I hantar complaint email to them. After the email, ntah depa baca ke tak I pun tak tahulahkan I received another phone call from Unifi. They said that they can send a technician to fix my problem this Thursday. Boleh pulak cepatkan....serius I tak faham.

A friend suggested that I call every 5 minutes sampai derang datang betulkan. Extreme sangatlah pulakkan. Lagipun tak kuasa I nak call every 5 minutes...banyak lagi kerja lain nak buat other than harrassing orang Unifi.

Ada kawan yang kata derang tak ada problem using Streamyx. Betull....tapii.....
Streamyx lembab nak download and upload. Kekadang sampai berjanggut nak tunggu habis.

So conclusionnya...I lah mentimun disini kena gelek dengan durian (Unifi). Nasiblah labu....tapi I tak nak bayar hari yang I tak dapat guna service derang...boleh belahlah nak mengayakan lagi big corporation ni.

pompuan lemau yang pakai tudung tak gosok hari ni....belasah jerlah. Mood off sikit hari ni

14th on the 14th

Today is our 14th on the 14th

Happy 14th to us as a family =)

According to Wikipedia:

14 (number)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

14 (fourteen) is the natural number following 13 and preceding 15. In speech, the numbers 14 and 40 are often confused. When carefully enunciated, they differ in which syllable is stressed: 14 /fɔərˈtiːn/ ( listen) vs 40 /ˈfɔrti/.[1] However, in dates such as 1492 or when contrasting numbers in the teens, such as 13, 14, 15, the stress shifts to the first syllable: 14 /ˈfɔərtiːn/.

[edit] In mathematicsFourteen is a composite number, its divisors being 1, 2, 7 and 14.

14 is the 3rd discrete semiprime ( 2 . 7 ) and the 3rd member of the (2.q) discrete semiprime family. The number following 14—15 is itself a discrete semiprime and this is the first such pair of discrete semiprimes. The next example is the pair commencing 21.

The aliquot sum σ(n) of 14 is 10, also a discrete semiprime and this is again the first example of a discrete semiprime having an aliquot sum in the same form. 14 has an aliquot sequence of 6 members ( 14,10,8,7,1,0) 14 is the third composite number in the 7-aliquot tree.

Fourteen is itself the Aliquot sum of two numbers; the discrete semiprime 22, and the square number 169.

It is the base of the tetradecimal notation.

In base fifteen and higher bases (such as hexadecimal), fourteen is represented as E.

Fourteen is the sum of the first three squares, which makes it a square pyramidal number.

This number is the lowest even n for which the equation φ(x) = n has no solution, making it the first even nontotient (see Euler's totient function).

14 is a Catalan number, the only semiprime among all Catalan numbers.

Take a set of real numbers and apply the closure and complement operations to it in any possible sequence. At most 14 distinct sets can be generated in this way. This holds even if the reals are replaced by a more general topological space. See Kuratowski's closure-complement problem.

Fourteen is a Keith number in base 10: 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 23, 37, 60, 97, 157...

Fourteen is an open meandric number.

Fourteen is a Companion Pell number.

According to the Shapiro inequality 14 is the least number n such that there exist such that

where xn + 1 = x1,xn + 2 = x2.

There are fourteen possible Bravais lattices that fill three-dimensional space.

The cuboctahedron, the truncated cube, and the truncated octahedron each have fourteen faces. The rhombic dodecahedron, which tessellates 3-dimensional space and is the dual of the cuboctahedron, has fourteen vertices. The truncated octahedron, which also tessellates 3-dimensional space, is the only permutohedron.

[edit] In science[edit] ChemistryThe atomic number of silicon

The approximate atomic weight of nitrogen

The maximum number of electrons that can fit in an f sublevel

[edit] AstronomyMessier object M14, a magnitude 9.5 globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus

The New General Catalogue object [NGC 14, a magnitude 12.5 irregular galaxy in the constellation Pegasus

The Saros number of the solar eclipse series which began on July 31, 2568 B.C. and ended on February 6, B.C. 1035. The duration of Saros series 14 was 1532.5 years, and it contained 86 solar eclipses

The Saros number of the lunar eclipse series which began on June 1, 2230 B.C. and ended on July 19, 932 B.C. The duration of Saros series 14 was 1298.1 years, and it contained 73 lunar eclipses.

The number of muqatta'at in the Qur'an.

The number of Infalliables (Masoomeen) in Shia Ithna-Asheri Islam.

[edit] Age 14 This section does not cite any references or sources.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2009)

This is the youngest age a person could watch a TV-14 rated show without consent from a legal guardian.

Age 14 is the earliest that the emancipation of minors can occur in the U.S.

Minimum age a person can purchase, rent or buy tickets to a 14A rated movie in Canada without an adult. Rating are provincial, so ratings may vary. A movie can be 14A in one or some provinces and PG in other provinces. A movie can also be rated 14A in one or some provinces and 18A in other provinces. Quebec has a different rating system for films.

Youngest age in Canada a person can watch a 14+ rated show without consent from a legal guardian.

Minimum age at which one can view, rent, purchase, or buy tickets to an 18A rated movie with an accompanying adult in the Canadian provinces of the Maritimes and Manitoba.

Minimum age at which one can work in many U.S states. Some require parental consent while others don't.

Minimum age at which one can work in most Australian states with parent's consent.

Minimum age at which one can drive a vehicle with a driver's license (with supervision of an adult over 18 years of age, and with a valid, unmarked driver's license, and at least 365 days of experience driving an actual automobile) in the U.S.

The minimum age limit to drive a 50cc motorbike in Italy.

[edit] In sportsThe G-14 is a now-defunct union of eighteen football clubs.

The Top 14 is the highest-level league in French rugby union.

In rugby union the right wing wears the 14 shirt.

[edit] In other fieldsFourteen is:

The number of days in a fortnight.

In traditional British units of weight, the number of pounds in a stone.

A number 'encoded' in much of the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.[citation needed] Bach may have considered this number a sort of signature, since given A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc., then B + A + C + H = 14. (See also 41)

The number of points outlined by president Woodrow Wilson for reconstructing a new Europe following World War I, see Fourteen Points.
The number of legs on a woodlouse, as well as on Hallucigenia.

A common designation for the thirteenth floor in many buildings for superstitious reasons

The number of points in a proposed republican constitution of the United Kingdom[citation needed]

The number of lines in a sonnet.

The Number 14 airship by Alberto Santos Dumont that was used to test the aerodynamics of his 14-bis airplane.

The number of the French department Calvados

[edit] Historical years14 A.D., 14 B.C., 1914 etc.

P/S: Orang lain semua tak boleh nak sambut apa-apa on the 14th tapi kitaorang tak per =P

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tak habis-habis cerita Cameron Highland

Seronok kerja hari Sabtu ni....orang lain semua bersenang-lenang kat rumah ntah-ntah tido lena atas katil empuk lagi, kita melangut dekat ofis yang panas ni. Of courselah tak syok =P

Bukannya dapat claim pun, lainlah kalau clerk bolehlah claim OT dengan milege lagi. I dapat claim milige jer yang ala-ala sekangkang kera tu.....nak buat macamana rumah dekat dengan office. 16km X RM0.80 dapatlah RM12.80 .....boleh ler buat makan lunch sekali kat One Utama tu =P

Since dalam draft I ada lagi gambar masa pergi trip Cameron Highland tu kita kasi sambunglah balik sementara menunggu derang ni habis testing system, ada gak benda I nak buat.
So hari tu lepas pergi habis melawat ladang Boh tu ada lagi stop bukannya balik terus.

kita stop makan nasi daun pisang dulu at Tanah Rata

Ini akibat malam sebelum tu terliur tengok mat-mat salleh makan daun pisang at kedai Mamak tapi sebab dah beli KFC sebarrel takkan gatal nak makan nasi lagikan.

Kitaorang tak balik ikut highway instead balik ikut jalan ke Teluk Intan sebab teringin nak tengok menara condong Teluk Intan. First time seumur hidup I tengok menara ni. Ku ingatkan tinggi nau menara ni, rupanya chomel jer ya.

On the way to Teluk Intan tu, something scary happen. Jalan ke Teluk Intan tu tak adalah banyak sangat kereta. So we were driving ala-ala makan angin gitu sekali dalam jarak 500 meter macam tu nampak ada satu kereta dari arah bertentangan melelong-lelong kiri kanan sampai masuk lane kami. Tetiba dalam dalam 100 meter macam tu nampak kereta tu betul-betul jalan dalam our lane but from the opposite direction. I was like shit.....biar benar orang ni mabuk ke?. My hubby terus berenti kat bahu jalan. Kalau jalan gak ni mau bertembung dua-dua. Bila driver tu pass us, nampaklah satu apek tua bawak kereta....tak tahulah drunk ke atau sakit ke. Hopefully kereta-kereta yang belakang kami semua nampaklah kereta merbahaya tu kalau tak memang sah accident. So kalau bawak kereta tu pleaselah be alert sebab kadang-kadang kita bawak kereta dah betul dah tapi orang lain pulak yang buat hal.

so been here...bilalah pulak nak pergi Menara Pisa ni

From Teluk Intan kitaorang ikut jalan laut balik rumah so lalulah kat Kuala Selangor.
Ada hati lagi tu nak pergi tengok kelip-kelip at Kampung Kuantan walaupun dah pukul 9 lebih malam.
Jauh jugak nak masuk ke tempat kelip-kelip ni.

rupanya ada bot ride nak pergi tengok kelip-kelip

itu rate for the boat ride

end up tak pergi tengok kelip-kelip. Ingatkan free ...kena bayar kensellah. Lain kali jerlah jawapnya plus masing-masing muka dah layu jer sebab kepenatan.

Sampai rumah dah dekat pukul 11. Besoknya tunggu orang betul Unifi (unifi rumah rosak 5 hari minggu lepas) satu hari tapi technician Unifi tak datang-datang macam menunggu buah durian yang tak gugur.

So itulah kisahnya cuti hari raya Cina.

Bagi yang berkerja hari ni ...sekapallah kita. Bagi yang cuti hari ni.....jelesnya saya =P

Friday, February 11, 2011

Coffee for two

ubat mata mengantuk

Sheperd's pie SR ni tak besh sangat ler tapi chocolate shake dia shedappp...

"A true friend don't judge but listens"

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Impromptu CNY holiday - day 2 Part 2

I met my bff kat atas Cameron Highland tu. Tak plan langsung. Itu pun tahu masing-masing pergi CH lepas update status kat fesbuk.

Lepas breakfast apa lagi terus pergi apartment mother minah ni ler. Her mom got loads of gorgeous flowers. Nanti I uploadkan gambar kalau rajin ya. 2nd day baru dapat jumpa sebab minah ni sampai dah malam kat CH, budak-budak semua dah cranky penat masa tu so balik hotel teruslah.

sure orang ingat kitaorang plan nak oliday sama-sama

lawa tak baju Cameron Highland I...RM18 saja u..

with the clans

Lepas tu kami ramai-ramai pergi makan aiskrim strawberri dan strawberry dip in chocolate =)

yum...yum...dip in chocolate

anak dara orang ni dengan anak boy I, 4 bulan jer difference tapi saiz badan beza nau
anak saya kudut saja

menggiurkan tak?

ais krim strawberry.

Lepas puas makan aiskrim and strawberry off we go to Brinchang. Plannya nak pergi naik ladang teh Boh lagi tapi masyaallah Cameron Highland jem teruk sampai tak bergerak.

Last-last kitaorang singgah pasar kat Brinchang.

gorgeous buah limau. Eh kat tempat I ada sekotak lagi kotak lima. Sedekah jariah ni kat sapa-sapa yang lalu....

cantik bunga kat Cameron Highlang ni tapi sepasu pun tak beli sebab fikir sapa yang nak jaga bunga ni kang

strawberry satu kotak RM15

geram jer tengok bunga ni....tak ada ke orang nak beli kat I

bunga Harum Sundal Malam....betul ke? main belasah jer

2nd photographer

Lepas tu kami singgah strawberry farm sebab anak kecik saya teringin nak petik strawberri sendiri tapi tutup daaaaa....memang ler tutup dah Raya Cina kan. Sah2 ler ladang strawberry tokey dia Cina.

Tutup terus proceed naik ke Boh Tea Centre Sungai Palas ler

It was such a beautiful view dari atas ni. Boleh nampak semua pemandangan bukit bukau pokok teh sambil menghirup teh yang enak.

Bersiap sedialah untuk menatap naik ke Tea Centre ni ya sebab kereta kena park kat bawah then you have to walk a short distance up the hill. Turun kalau nak boleh ikut short cut turun tangga lalu celah-celah pokok teh. Luckily I am wearing my most comfortable shoe, my Crocs so tak adalah terasa sakit sangat kaki.

ramai orang kat atas ni percayalah

"makcik" penat

anak mat salleh yang duduk depan ni comel sangat sebab mix Japs/Chinese with mat salleh...geram rasa nak picit-picit jer

Puas dah tak balik lagi....ada lagi satu stop tu. Sambung lagilah ya...lotih nak type. Dasar pemalas hahahaha....


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